life is calling

Peace Corps Information

1. Helping the people of interested countries in meeting their need for trained men and women.
2. Helping promote a better understanding of Americans on the part of the peoples served.
3. Helping promote a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans.

learn more about master's international.

Application Process:
1. Submit Application
2. Interview
3. Nomination
4. Medical, Legal, Suitability, and Competitive Reviews
5. Invitation
6. Preparation for departure

Types of Service:
Youth and Community Development
Business and Information & Communication Technology

Locations of Service:
Volunteers serve in 77 countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, and the Middle East. Peace Corps Volunteers live, learn, and work with a community overseas for 27 months.

Peace Corps Glossary:
· Assignment: The location and job the volunteer is placed in
· APCD: Associate Peace Corps Director. A host-country national in charge of that
region's program
· CD: Country Director. The one in charge of the volunteers in that country
· COS: Close of Service. The end of a volunteer's service
· Country Desk: The department representing regional countries, at Peace Corps
headquarters in Washington D.C.
· ET: Early Termination. Leaving, for whatever reason, before COS
· Homestay: Part of training where the volunteer lives with a member of the community
(the owners of the house are often referred to as "family," i.e. mother, brother, etc.)
· Host Country: The country where the volunteer is serving
· IOS: Interruption of Service. When local, political, or environmental conditions
require the entire program to be pulled from an area
· IST: In-Service Training. A secondary training event that happens mid-service
· LCF: Language and Cross-Cultural Facilitator. Trainers responsible for language and
culture sections during PST.
· Medevac: Medically Evacuate. To return a volunteer to the States for medical treatment,
usually because they have an injury/illness that is untreatable in-country
· Medical Separation: When a volunteer cannot complete service due to a medical problem
· OMS: Office of Medical Services
· PC: Peace Corps
· PCMO: Peace Corps Medical Officer. The nurse or doctor in charge of all that country's
· PCT: Peace Corps Trainee. Volunteer's title during training and before becoming an
official volunteer
· PCV: Peace Corps Volunteer
· PST: Pre-Service Training. The training program, usually 3 months long, that teaches
volunteers language, cross-cultural sensitivity, and job skills before they begin their
official service
· RPCV: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer
· Site: The location where the volunteer lives and works for 2 years
· Staging: The first day of training, held in the U.S., before flying out to the host
· Swearing-In: The ceremony that accompanies transition from PCT to PCV

Information gathered from and Peace Corps 2: yahoo group.